Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > National Semiconductor Datasheet > National Semiconductor-147

N 5962-87644012A LP3986BL-2828EV CLC409MDC NMC93C56N 5962-9751901MPA LM3813M-7.0 LMC7101AIM5 LM3700XCBP-308 LM386M-1 ADC10734CIMSA LM1084IS-5.0 ADC0851BIV COPCSH984N LM2575MX-15 JM38510/00102BC LM139WG/883 LM1085ISX-12 LM334MWC LM1086ISX-3.3 LMX2301TM COP8SAA716N9 DS90LV032ATMX L

National Semiconductor dataark Catalog-147

Part NoProdusentApplikasjon
LP2980IM5-3.1 National SemiconductorMicropower 50 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator In SOT-23 and micro SMD Packages
DS1488N National SemiconductorQuad Line Driver
5962-87644012A National SemiconductorOctal Transparent Latch with TRI-STATE Outputs
LP3986BL-2828EV National SemiconductorDual Micropower 150 mA Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulators in micro SMD Package
CLC409MDC National SemiconductorVery Wideband, Low Distortion Monolithic Op Amp
NMC93C56N National Semiconductor2048-bit serial elecrically erasable programmable memory (EEPROM)
5962-9751901MPA National Semiconductor400 MHz, 50mW Current-Feedback Op Amp
LM3813M-7.0 National SemiconductorPrecision Current Gauge IC with Ultra Low Loss Sense Element and PWM Output, for Low-Side Sensing
LMC7101AIM5 National SemiconductorTiny Low Power Operational Amplifier with Rail-to-Rail Input and Output
LM3700XCBP-308 National SemiconductorMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with low line output
LM386M-1 National SemiconductorLow Voltage Audio Power Amplifier
ADC10734CIMSA National Semiconductor10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with Mux, Sample/Hold and Reference [Life-time buy]
LM1084IS-5.0 National Semiconductor5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
ADC0851BIV National Semiconductor8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring System
COPCSH984N National Semiconductor8-Bit CMOS ROM Based Microcontrollers with 4k to 24k Memory, Comparators and USART
LM2575MX-15 National SemiconductorSIMPLE SWITCHER 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator
JM38510/00102BC National SemiconductorDual 4-Input NAND Gate
LM139WG/883 National SemiconductorLow Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator
LM1085ISX-12 National Semiconductor3A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LM334MWC National Semiconductor3-Terminal Adjustable Current Source
LM1086ISX-3.3 National Semiconductor1.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LMX2301TM National SemiconductorPLLatinum 160 MHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communications
COP8SAA716N9 National Semiconductor8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 1k to 4k Memory, Power On Reset, and Very Small Packaging
DS90LV032ATMX National Semiconductor3V LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Receiver
LM4050CIM3X-8.2 National SemiconductorPrecision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference
ADC08061BIWMX National Semiconductor500 ns A/D Converter with S/H Function and Input Multiplexer
ADC08234CIWMX National Semiconductor8-Bit 2-microsecond Serial I/O A/D Converter with MUX, Reference and Track/Hold
LP2951CM-3.3 National SemiconductorSeries of Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulators
LM3710XKMM-232 National SemiconductorMicroprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Power Fail Input, Low Line Output, Manual Reset and Watchdog Timer
COP8FGH5VEJ8 National Semiconductor8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and OTP Microcontrollers with 8k or 32k Memory, Two Comparators, and USART

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